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The meeting point between what I constructed within myself and what I had cleaned from within...

From an early age, the allure of standing before an audience has captivated me. While I may not possess a melodious voice or innate acting prowess, the power of spoken words has always held an undeniable charm for me.

My introduction to the world of lecturing occurred almost two decades ago when I found myself standing before an eager audience for the first time. This exciting event was followed by the receipt of a prestigious scholarship at the university, which brought with it an unexpected challenge: I would need to deliver a lecture in English. While my English proficiency was still in its developmental stages, I was undeterred.

Ultimately, my English proficiency was not the obstacle I had anticipated. Rather, I found immense joy in connecting with the audience, the energy of the room fueling my passion for teaching. This experience inspired me to continue honing my skills, leading me to lead practice classes of 30-40 students a year later. A decade ago, I embarked on my journey as a full-fledged lecturer - constructing more and more of what I loved. I taught physics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics...

But the truth is that I was teaching about the magic in this world.

Amidst the intricate world of equations, factors, and theories, I instilled in my students a sense of wonder by emphasizing the inherent magic that permeates our existence. During breaks, I opened a space for deeper conversations, welcoming students to share their thoughts on life, philosophy, and the interconnectedness of all things... And I continued to construct what I loved.

One day, a profound realization dawned upon me: while I held a deep appreciation for the profession I was pursuing, my true passion lay in the art of teaching itself.

This revelation ignited a spark within me, propelling me forward in my teaching journey. I decided to expand my horizons and venture into the realm of private courses, where I could delve into subjects that resonated more deeply with my heart and soul.

So I continued to construct this place within myself, guided by a profound connection to the magical world, I crafted courses that explored the shamanic way of life, offering insights into achieving harmony and balance within oneself and with the universe.

And I loved it. Very.

The sudden arrival of the coronavirus pandemic disrupted the familiar rhythm of my teaching practice. The transition to online lectures via Zoom robbed me of the palpable energy and connection that had always been an integral part of my teaching experience. The once vibrant classrooms were replaced by black screens or the occasional glimpse of pajama-clad faces, and the magic that once fueled my passion for teaching gradually dissipated.

I decided it was time to clean up any inaccuracies and made the announcement that I would not proceed further

Back then, I was still working full-time at a startup, with a tight schedule, meetings, loads, and goals.

My courses on harmonious living based on the shamanic path continued, and the environment I found myself in was conducive to my well-being. However, when I decided to step away from my work and clear out more aspects of my life that no longer resonated with me (both externally and internally), a realization dawned on me: I no longer desired the rigidity of a fixed schedule and sought to maintain flexibility in my endeavors. Simultaneously, a yearning to assist others through my chosen lifestyle emerged, guiding me toward creating something unique and personalized in my courses, again constructing more and more of what I loved.

A tranquil stillness settled upon me, and I found myself standing at the convergence of what I had constructed within myself and what I had cleaned and cleared from within.

I am aware of my perpetual evolution, constantly attuned to both the aspects of my being that seek purification and the aspirations that beckon me to create and construct. In this dynamic dance of self-transformation, I weave the threads of novelty, giving birth to a tapestry of ever-emerging expressions

This is how I create tranquil stillness within myself. Wishing you too...

And I'm here to help.

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