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Personal development in the shamanic way

For a harmonious and better life


When a consultation can be helpful?

  • Dealing with divorce or separation

  • End of a period or during a challenging period

  • Dealing with grief and loss

  • When "everything is fine" but not perfect

  • To find a new meaning or a new way to walk

  • To enrich the inner world with knowledge, tools, and attitude

  • To deal with frustrations, lack of satisfaction with work and life

For Years You've Sensed There's More - Now Embark on a Journey to Discover It

For years, you've felt an undercurrent, a persistent whisper that there's more to life than what you're currently experiencing. The demands of daily life have kept you from fully exploring this inner knowing, but now it's time to embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock the extraordinary potential that lies within.

Embrace the Shamanic Approach to Harmony

Through the lens of the shamanic approach, you'll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. Immerse yourself in a process filled with rich content, profound knowledge, practical examples, and effective tools that seamlessly integrate into your modern lifestyle.

Unveiling Ancient Wisdom for Modern Transformation

I seamlessly ancient wisdom, rituals, energetic treatments, and processes with in-depth explanations. You'll discover how to become a better version of yourself.

I invite you to get an approach and tools for a harmonious and better life
Based on the times when they knew what wisdom was - and amazingly, are suitable today more than ever before.


This is private guidance - given in the format of personal meetings and tailored exactly to you!​

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Revital Swisa

Beloved Eynav

Wow wow wow... that's how I felt at the end of every meeting..

I thank myself for the gift I gave myself this year, a very profitable deal And thank you Einav, for the first time I realized that spirituality must also be practical for my life, every encounter was received with wisdom of the heart and incredibly balanced minds, you gave me amazing tools to deal with it, you showed me a path that directs me to my unique tone, thank you very much

And I wish each and every one would give themselves a little first

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Sari Weiss

I recommend Eynav's guidance with all my heart,
Can't believe how in such a short time life can change for the better and it's all thanks to you, beloved Eynav...
Thanks again!
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Rotem Erbst

I recommend from experience
It changed the way of thinking and behavior.
I experienced a powerful and connecting new language that enables change!
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A little about me...

Nice to meet you!
My name is Dr. Eynav Kliger and I walk a magical path that has its roots in the shamanic way.
With rich experience in treatment and counseling, teaching in small groups and in academia, and after years of working in Food-tech, alongside spiritual development and connections to the upper worlds, I invite you to join a life-changing process!


Noa Goldwasser

A fascinating course, deep content and an amazing lecturer
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Kaplan Alzpan Shiri

Highly recommend and from experience of course ​

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Hades Bell

Recommends the meaningful and life-changing workshop and Eynav delivers it wonderfully!

What will we learn?

What drives us?

We will get to know the shamanic approach to our mental life and how we can take the reins and manage ourselves. We will learn what activates us, and how to work with it, for a better and more harmonious life.


We will learn about female communication and male communication, and how we can create positive communication.

and what else?

The study combines rituals and processes, techniques from the shamanic world to treat different situations, receiving messages and in the personal course also energy treatments.

Creating reality

How do you create reality, what are the basic tools to invite the reality you want into your life?
We will learn how reality is created, what the reality that exists in our lives means and what can be done about it.

The circle of the four elements

We will learn about the basic pattern on the face of Mother Earth, and how to work with her to create harmony in our lives. It is a powerful tool for understanding processes and situations. 

The secret of listening

We will learn about the art of real listening, which is a key to good communication.

The source of our strength

We will learn about the source of our power and how we can use it whenever we want.
We will learn about the power that exists in each and every one of us, to receive answers, messages and connection.

The deals of our lives

We will understand how life is actually like a market, with lots of opportunities for excellent deals, and how we can manage our deals in the best way. Managing the transactions of our lives (whether it's relationships, work or shopping at the supermarket) is key to enjoying our choices over time. 

But I don't have time...

We will learn about time management according to the approach of the wonderful shaman Even Aduma Menukedet, especially we will learn about priorities.


Sigal Siroa

A wonderful and fascinating guidance, a gift for life!

Yigal Beilin

Highly recommend and from experience a life-changing course!​


Raya Levy

I also participated and it was a special experience.
Opens the heart and mind and Eynav is a great teacher and guide.
Recommended wholeheartedly
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When can I start?

Right away! One phone call and it's set :)



Any questions? You can fill out the form and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

For further details


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